
As you can see from the map above, The southern Maine seacoast is very centrally located in the New England / Atlantic Provinces region. There's an easy route from virtually every city in the Northeast.

We have provided you with the driving times from all of the cities on the map:

City Miles/Kilometres Driving Time
Albany, New York 229 / 368 3.75 hours
Boston, Massachusetts 63 / 101 1 hour
Buffalo, New York 528 / 850 8.75 hours
Halifax, Nova Scotia 620 / 998 11.25 hours
Hartford, Connecticut 155 / 249 2.5 hours
Montréal, Québec 315 / 507 5.75 hours
New York, New York 285 / 459 4.75 hours
Ottawa, Ontario 447 / 719 7.5 hours
Providence, Rhode Island 113 / 182 1.75 hours
Québec, Québec 320 / 515 6 hours
Rochester, New York 460 / 740 7.75 hours
Saint John, New Brunswick 341 / 549 6.25 hours
Scranton, Pennsylvania 413 / 665 6.75 hours
Toronto, Ontario 635 / 1018 10.5 hours
Trois Rivières, Québec 326 / 525 6 hours